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Special Thanks To...

Let us take a moment to brag on these beautiful people, Sam and his beautiful wife Alexa. These two are State Nationals and have been with the group for a while. Sam actually is a stellar steady cam operator and crane/jib camera operator. We wanted to use him on this film to shoot but the logistics did not pan out. BUT after seeing what he looked like, he was PERFECT for our drowning man character. Naturally, we asked Alexa if he'd be interested in acting this role and he was!! The dude can act and was absolutely perfect for this film. Alexa was a rockstar and helped with his makeup (he had to be tattered, dirty and worn from being stranded and “lost at sea” and she also ran boom mic for us to record natural sound.

These two beautiful souls are Dan and Barbara. These are two of our top donors and as an incentive for being a top donor they hold the title of Executive Producer and get to join us on set. They drove all the way from Virginia to hang with us and joined us for the two days of filming. Boy were they needed! Not only were they a pure blessing to all of us with their help and assistance, but Barbara had the wisdom to say a mighty prayer over Sam, who turned ill after being tossed into a little row boat on a big bouncy lake. By the grace of God and His answer to that prayer, Sam bounced back after lunch and the shoot continued to be a success.

This is our fearless cinematographer Dean, who is from Sarah's hometown where the two have worked together multiple times. He is amazing to work with as he let's Sarah take the camera from time to time and run with it capturing as much inspiration as possible. No egos, and a true blessing to work with. It was an honor to have him with us.

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